Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Michael kurgens presantation- didn't explain anything didn't answer any questions and only played a video that went to fast to take any notes

Jesus Olivera- having good oral hygiene is important because it will effect your health the most when you think about it
- poor oral hygiene can cause disease
- brush you're teeth 2-3 times a day for six minutes and floss

Tanya- make up is controversial because it's tested on animals and may be harmful
- teens use make up because they have a low self esteem

Dominic- played a video about always giving yourself a new purpose so that you never get lazy or sad or depressed

Noelia- judgement can be good like in the workplace you can judge someone or yourself and improve
- but judgment can be bad because for example walking down the street and seeing someone with an ugly shirt and saying "I would never buy that"

Avelina- do you think you can live with out social media? Well the message I'm getting from the video is that we all use social media to be accepted or to be fake. The girl in the video would post about something and do the opposite she would post that she's about to go for a run than go back to sleep after. She would get likes but was never really happy at the end she dropped her phone and went outside I'm still not whiter sure what the message is I guess to put the phone down and go outside enjoy life.

I'd like to make a note that half if today's presentations were bad Dominic, Michael, and avelina only showed a video and didn't explain anything at all this wouldn't have happened if dr Preston was here.

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