Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Guitar class :)

In my guitar class we're learning a new song called "Barcelona Nights" and it gets stuck in my head all day. It makes me wish I had a guitar of my own to play outside of my guitar class. On my way to Dr. Prestons class I was clapping the beat of the song the entire time.

Monday, October 10, 2016


The citizens of america feel aggravated about this years presidential election and they see their hope dissolving. Americans feel that their earnest work will be for nothing. It makes me sad that no one has attempted to illuminate us when it comes to politics. peoples breaking point is getting to the size of a capillary. Trump has a proboscis. Donald Trump accuses Hilary of not being a good candidate. Donald Trump should be suspended from being a candidate. The debate has hypnotized us into thinking that Donald and Hilary could be president. I think this debate is venomous the candidates aren't very stolid.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Why do we feel emotions? What part of us controls emotions? We can make robots but we can't give them emotions so why do we feel them?

Monday, October 3, 2016

Vocabulary list #5

1. Venomous- secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by bite or sting

   I'd rather be bitten by a venomous snake than stay in this class with the sub that we have.

2. Stolid - calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation

I've been in a stolid state all period.

3. Hypnotized- produce a state of hypnosis in someone; capture the attention; facinate

The venomous snake was hypnotized by the snake tamer.

4. Suspended- temporarily prevent from continuing; hang from somewhere

I've never been suspended from school.

5. Transformed- make a thorough or dramatic change, in the form, of  character

The car transformed into a giant robot.

6. Accuse- charge someone with an offense or crime; claim that someone has done something wrong

Some teachers accuse students to much

7. Anticipate- regard as probable; expect or predict

It was hard to anticipate the patterns.

8. Fringe- an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twist

The fringes were tied into a tassel

9. Melancholy- a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause

He felt melancholy

10. Earnestly- serious in intention, purpose, or effort

The knights had an earnest fight.

11. Dissolve- become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution

The wicked which dissolved.

12. Aggravate- make a problem injury or offense worse or more serious

Some people just aggravate me.

13. Illuminate- to light

The glow in the dark paint illuminated the room when I turned off the lights.

14. Capillary- a tube that has an internal of hairlike thinness

Our veins  are capillary like.

15. Proboscis- an elongated sucking mouth part that is typically tubular and flexible

Butterfly's have a probiscis.